The Millennial Nutritionist

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10 Recipes that I’m Loving Recently

I am always on the hunt for tasty recipes. I’m always looking high and low for the next best recipe that I’ll be able to carry with me to my grave and pretend like I just made it up...but I’m really not that creative. I will admit that I’m not very good at throwing a bunch of random ingredients together and magically creating a delicious meal. But I am a great recipe-follower! I like testing out recipes and adding them to my repertoire for the next time. Here are 10 recipes that I’ve tried recently and loved. I already did the hard part for you- now you already know they’re good! Try them out!


1. Mock PF Chang’s Chicken Lettuce Wraps

If you knew me in undergrad- you know I worked here for all 4 years! I miss the food so much and sometimes I endlessly search for mock version of my favorite meals from there. This recipe tastes pretty good and is super healthy! I paired it with a side salad for some extra veg.  


2. Navy Bean Soup

Bean soups are so simple and quick! I always use canned beans, which are just fine. Beans have lots of fiber and protein. I just paired this with a side salad to make sure I’m getting my serving of vegetables in. 


3. Banana Oat Flax Cookies

If you follow me on instagram (and you totally should-@illajones) then you know I used to be crazy about these. I still am, I’m just changing it up a bit now. I’m always trying to find a way to incorporate ground flax into my diet and these cookies are the best way that I’ve found how! I usually eat them for a snack or dessert!


4. California Veggie Burgers

Grains are so good for you and I don’t understand why they haven’t made it to nutrition pop-culture yet! There are so many fun ones to chose from like the bulger used in these veggie burgers! Try these out for your meatless Mondays to help both the environment and your body!


5. Greek Turkey Burgers

Does anyone else ever get tired of their meat options? I feel like I get so easily bored with the turkey, chicken, and fish that I pretty much eat every week, but recipes like this keep it exciting! I have made these Greek turkey burgers multiple times and enjoyed them every time. I usually buy whole grain pitas or even just make it a salad with the sauce and the burgers. 


6. Slow-Cooker Salsa Chicken

I love how easy slow-cooker recipes are, don’t you?? Just put all the ingredients in before work and come home and it’s done! I paired this chicken with a salad to make a Chipotle-inspired salad bowl. Very tasty and easy!


7.  Coconut and Chickpea Trail Mix

I eat a handful of trail mix almost every day- but mine is so plain: just some nuts and dried cranberries. It gets the job done, but isn’t as exciting as I would like it to be. Try this trail mix recipe if you’re looking to mix things up a bit! It’s a tasty healthy snack!


8.  Quinoa Bowl with Lentils and Mustard Vinaigrette 

Doesn’t this picture look oddly similar to the previous? They’re both from this series in Bon Appetite Magazine about eating while traveling. So I actually made both the trail mix and this salad to take on a road trip with me and my mom. We both approved and ate it both days on the road! Try it next time you’re going somewhere! 


9. Green Pozole

Pozole is a traditional Mexican soup. I’ve had a red version before so I thought I would give this one a try AND IT’S SO GOOD. I have repeated this recipe so many times. I even made it for my family for Christmas! The purred cilantro is genius. As far and healthy-ness, I would say maybe a 6 out of 10, but because you are using chicken thighs and the hominy (basically like corn). But it’s still a lean protein option! I just paired with a salad for a little health boost. 


10. Lemony Spring Vegetable and Chicken Soup

Spring soup? Is that a thing? Who cares! I love making soups because you can make a huge amount and have tons of leftovers or freeze for later! This recipe is fun because it incorporates a lot of spring vegetables, because sometime I just want soup no matter the temperature outside! The amount of vegetables and the lean protein make this a super healthy meal. Try and enjoy!