The Millennial Nutritionist

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Does Lemon Water Help with Weight Loss?

No. Sorry to be blunt, but if I’ve learned anything about why people are so confused about nutrition and weight loss, it’s because of all the misinformation out there so I’m just going to give it to you straight: there is nothing special about lemon water. 

What are the common claims of lemon water and how are they wrong?

  1. Lemon Water is Hydrating

    Well yes, but water by itself is hydrating. I will say that flavoring your water can help you to want to drink more so I guess you can can that lemon water may help you to increase your hydration but this is the same for using cucumber, berries, ginger, etc to flavor your water too. If lemon water helps you to drink more water, then keep doing it! I actually have always loved lemon water because I find it so refreshing and at times it does make me want to drink more. However, there’s nothing internally going on that increases hydration more than just regular water does. 

  2. Lemon Water Helps you Lose Weight

    Nope nope nope nope. Hydration can help you lose weight? Yes! When you are adequately hydrated, you are less likely to want to snack. Water helps to fill up your stomach so it doesn’t since that it is empty. Water also gives you more energy which can power you through your workout, go to the grocery store, and/or cook low calorie meals for yourself. Lemon water will have the same effect but because water is the similar variable. Again, the only power lemon water has is it may encourage you to drink more water if you actually like it. 

  3. Lemon water Boosts your Immune System

    Nooooooooo. Vitamin C (the immune fighting component in lemons)? Yes! But vitamin C is so abundant in our diet. You are likely only deficient in vitamin C (aka scurvy) if you don’t eat any fresh fruits or vegetables. Like nothing at all for at least a month. There is nothing specific about lemon water that will help you to increase your immune system and you will be much better off just eating a whole fruit or vegetable for the added fiber. I mean I guess it is fair to say that lemon water does contribute to vitamin C in our diet, but it’s just because you’re adding a produce item to it. Again, nothing special about just lemon water for this purpose. 

  4. Lemon Water Detoxes the Body.

    Ugh. Water promotes the body’s natural detox function. Fiber from whole grains and produce promotes the body’s natural detox function. Again, nothing special about just lemon water on its own. Butttt if you don’t drink anything but lemon water then yes, I guess it’s a fair claim to make. But don’t be stressing about getting in lemon water in the morning for detoxification if you already drink enough water and eat enough produce. 

Bottom line is that if lemon water actually makes you feel better (even if it’s just in your head) then go for it! However, if you’re adding in lemon water as a weight loss attempt, it’s just going to be be another attempt that makes you feel like a failure. Instead, try sustainable solutions like a controlled calorie deficit and a strength-training regimen. You can check out our realistic weight loss program below for help: