The Millennial Nutritionist

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Have you heard of Runner’s High? 

Written by Jordyn King, MS Nutrition 

Getting high from working out?

Have you ever heard of “Runner's High'' from working out? Exercise can be rewarding after a hectic day at work, and the feeling of going further into your workout or sprint due to a burst of easiness and happiness? This is described as a Runner’s High. For so long, I heard that from a Runner's High is the result of a release of endorphins throughout your body that gives you a burst of cheerfulness. Endorphins are neurochemicals that are released naturally from your body, however, because of large molecular shape and size, they are unable to cross the blood brain barrier. Endorphins are molecules that can't get into the brain. So what is responsible for getting us this burst of calmness and a ‘Runner’s High’?

Have you heard of Endocannabinoids ?

New research suggests Endocannabinoids are small molecules that are able to cross over to the blood brain barrier and have the same receptors in your brain that cause a ‘high’ from such chemicals like marijuana, which are fulfilled by exercise.  Endocannabinoids creates your body's own version of Cannabis. This chemical reaction can have the same effects that THC has in Cannabis. From the book, The Runner's Brain written by Dr. Jeff Brown, he indicates, while running and exercising, your body produces and releases a number of different chemical reactions and cells in your bloodstream to then release your ‘happy molecules’. Your body allows you to have a rush of uplifting feelings and enhance your energy while running or working out. In further research, from the PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of the US, your body produces endocannabinoids, and has an association like marijunana, which is known as a Runner’s High.

Benefits of running 

In general, running can help your body feel relaxed and calm, which can keep you in a relaxing state of euphoria. Endocannabinoids have the ability to lift up moods, minimize pain, reduce anxiety, dilate blood vessels and bronchial tubes in the lungs. This type of alternative therapy can act as a natural pain reliever, to help you endure more prolonged exercise. Other benefits of running can include relieved stress levels in the body, increased immune system, increased memory and reduced feelings of depression, improved responses in insulin levels and promoting weight loss. 

In Conclusion…

A Runner’s high is a short release natural mechanism that can promote a feeling of euphoria after prolonged exercising. However, some people may not experience a Runner’s High. But still, running can get you out of a state of mind and help you clear your head. Which in turn can be a healthy choice to promote yourself to a 30 minute physical activity a day and promote in weight loss.