The Millennial Nutritionist

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The Health Benefits of Chlorophyll

Written by Jordyn King, BS

What is Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a natural compound that is found in plants that gives off that green color. This helps plants to absorb energy from the sun when they undergo the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is also a natural nutrient and is present in green vegetables like spinach and other plant-based foods like green algae or wheatgrass. Wheat grass is high in chlorophyll which can be purchased as a powder, juice or a capsule. A tip to look for when you’re at the grocery store is; the greener the vegetable is, the higher its chlorophyll content. The most common way to get chlorophyll is through the diet and supplementation. Over the years, research has suggested chlorophyll may have  potential benefits for promoting good health. 

Chlorophyll Digestion 

When you consume chlorophyll, it will move down your body to the micelles which are molecular attributes that contain fat. A small amount of healthy fat is needed to metabolize chlorophyll and can help process more of your meals through digestion with chlorophyll. Chlorophyl works to promote benefits in the microbiome in the gut. Chlorophyll can aid in digestion by increasing the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Natural chlorophyl is broken down in the gut during the digestive process to then help improve digestion. 

Health benefits of Chlorophyll

Many people have been using chlorophyll as a health supplement or herb for years. There are many health benefits in chlorophyll especially in the early stages of digestion when consuming food. Some studies have suggested that chlorophyll maybe associated in boosting skin conditions, reducing body odor‘s, fighting certain kinds of cancer, and many more. 

Antioxidants properties 

Chlorophyll is a fat soluble compound that has antioxidant properties. Chlorophyll has been known to be a super food due to its high nutritional properties. Anti-oxidant action helps to protect cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals. Thus, reducing cancer causing agents in the body. However, these antioxidant properties are not as strong and potent as nutrients like Vitamin C and E. 

Cancer prevention 

There have been minimal studies on the association of cancer prevention and chlorophyll, and most are rat studies. However, one study stated that chlorophyll is able to bind to carcinogenic chemicals called a aflatoxins which are cancer causing agents. The chlorophyll is able to help block the absorption of aflatoxins in the intestines. Through digesting toxic metals and pollutants can harm your body overtime. However, chlorophyl helps to bind with toxic metals by reducing their further  absorption and is then able to remove ingested carcinogens. Thus, promoting cleansing and detoxification to the body as well. 

Skin Remedies and Treatment 

Other potential benefits of chlorophyll can include anti-aging remedies. Topical chlorophyll is found in a gel containing Chlorophyllin that is treated with the association of Tretinoin which has been said to help with skin aging and reversing signs of photoaged skin. Topical chlorophyll has also had a health benefit in treating acne. Chlorophyll has been said to help reduce facial acne and large visible pores in just three weeks. 

Reduction in body odors 

Researchers have studied chlorophyll as a potential “deodorant” for many years. Chlorophyll has been associated with the reduction of body odors for people who have colostomy or high intense body odor. Recently, chlorophyll has been associated to reducing body odor in older adults. And if you look on a label some deodorant and mouthwash they contain chlorophyll. These odors can include body and fecal odor. In addition to the reduction of odor. chlorophyll has also been associated with a reduction in constipation and gas. 

Wound healing 

Another health benefit chlorophyll has provided is wound healing. From one study, chlorophyll may help to heal surgical wounds and prevent further infections when used as a topical spray on the targeted area. 

Control hunger and promote in weight loss 

The compounds that are found in chlorophyll have been suggested that it may help suppress hunger and cravings. In some reported studies, they found a reduction in hunger after meals containing high amounts chlorophyll and resulted in  increased blood glucose stability compared to the placebo group. So you could add chlorophyll to your diet to see if you feel a difference in your hunger levels.

Increases iron levels 

Chlorophyll has been known to promote healthy iron levels in the body and also has been a positive effect for anemic individuals. Some studies suggest that adding chlorophyll to iron could increase iron, red blood cell count, and hemoglobin levels compared to iron supplementation alone. 


More studies should be investigated on chlorophyll and its health benefits. Be cautious taking supplements that include chlorophyll due to unintended side effects such as other medication interactions or having existing health conditions. Check with your doctor first, before taking chlorophyll supplementation. Other health benefits in regards to chlorophyll have been shown to  increase energy, promote hormonal balance, arthritis relief and weight loss prevention. However, there have been limited studies on these health benefits. Again, chlorophyll has many advantages and benefits and can be found in simply the healthy green veggie you eat every day. Consuming chlorophyll rich foods account for the best affect In promoting good health. 

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