The Millennial Nutritionist

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Supplement Review: One A Day Multivitamins

Written by Jordyn King, MS, BS

What is a multivitamin and its uses:

Did you know that over 70% of American adults aged 65 and older take a multivitamin? Multivitamins are the world's most popular dietary supplement. In general, multivitamins are a type of supplement that contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients used to support overall health. Most individuals use multivitamins for their daily use to fill in any nutritional gaps and to prevent any mineral or vitamin deficiencies. Another benefit of multivitamins is to give the essential dosage of the recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals. Multivitamins typically contain most of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs including vitamins A,D, E, C, and K as well as the many B vitamins available including thiamine, niacin, and vitamin B12. As a nutritional professional, if I oversee an individual with a restricted diet or possibly individuals following a vegan or vegetarian diet I would recommend for them take a daily multivitamin so they can ingest 100% of their recommended dietary intake (RDI). Vegan and vegetarian diets, for example, can often leave out key micronutrients including iron, vitamin B12, zinc, and calcium which is due to a lack of animal meat products they consume. 


Research suggests that One A Day multivitamins can be beneficial for the following reasons

  • decreased hunger hormones during and after meals (which can decrease hunger)

  • facilitate weight loss

  • improved memory

  • reduced risk of premature or low birth weight babies

  • increased energy levels

  • boosted immune system

  • improved eye health

  • maintained muscle strength

  • reduced stress levels

  • increased brain function

In conclusion, to get your maximum benefits of taking multivitamins turn your multivitamin intake a daily habit. You will receive the biggest benefit from a multivitamin when you consistently consume them. Food for thought, for the best absorption a multivitamin should be taken with food.


There has been no evidence that concludes multivitamins reduce the risk of any chronic diseases. Be mindful of the content of beta carotene and vitamin E, because too high of a dosage can be harmful . Remember, multivitamins can’t directly help you to lose weight. However; they can improve your overall health by filling in the gaps of any underlying nutritional deficiencies.

I have always acknowledged in all my posts that supplemental pills are not a shortcut to better health and never serve as a prevention for chronic diseases. However, taking a multivitamin will most likely provide you with the correct dosages of all the vitamins and minerals.

Breakdown of the some of the many vitamin and minerals in a One A Day multivitamins: 

• Vitamin B5—pantothenic acid—is a cofactor that facilitates the creation of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter associated with memory.

• Vitamin B6 and B9 both work to help produce serotonin and dopamine, our feel-good neurotransmitters.

• Vitamin B12- helps with brain function and supports the health of the myelin sheath, a protective coating along with our brain cells.

• Vitamins B6, B9, and B12, along with B2 (riboflavin), support cardiovascular health by balancing homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid made in the body that can build up over time and eventually harm our cardiovascular system.

• Vitamin C- necessary for growth, development, helps repair muscle tissue and boosts your immune system. 

• Thiamin (Vitamin B1)- Thiamine enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy this is a water soluble vitamins which is necessary for growth development and the use of the function of cells in your body

Additionally, thiamin also helps in the prevention from complications to the central nervous system. 

• Riboflavin- aids in the prevention of chronic diseases, boosting energy levels, increasing blood circulation, promoting growth and development and improving skin care health. 

• Niacin- can help maintain good blood circulation, improves normal functioning of the brain, boosts memory power, aids the digestion tract to absorb the sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins needed. 

• Folate- can help improve healthy homocysteine levels, cognitive function, fertility, and reduce risk of cancer. 

There are many other vitamins and minerals, but here are just a few supportive advantages to some of the vitamins and minerals in a multivitamin. Overall, as a nutritional professional I have always recommended a multivitamin to be taken everyday if one of my clients asks about taking one. Thus, there is no harm done with taking them.

If you are interested in a long-term weight loss solution, check out The Millennial Nutritionist’s 3 month weight loss program. Through calorie tracking and sustainability lifestyle changes, many clients have successful weight loss during the program and after. Get started today!