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Turning Your Tiny Space Into a Stylish Home Gym - Design Hacks You Should Know

A home gym has numerous advantages. Imagine the privacy when trying out a new routine without the prying eyes of "fitness gurus."

Also, if you're a mom or dad, you can take care of your child as you don't have to drop them at childcare to go to the gym.

The only thing to do is find a spot in your home that can take a few gym equipment or accessories. It could be your basement, a living room corner, or a bedroom. Since you've done that already, let's talk about ways to transform it into a home gym.

5 Designs Hacks for a Home Gym in a Tiny Space

Before we list design hacks, here's what you must do first to have a practical gym.

First, measure the space. That way, your choice of equipment and accessories will suit your space. Also, note the location of electrical outlets and how far your door swings if there's one nearby.

On top of that, a tiny space isn't enough for all the equipment you have in mind; therefore, be ready for some compromises. Essentials may include a stability ball, resistance bands, a treadmill, a kettlebell, and a jumping rope. If that'll not do because you have a workout plan that needs such equipment, consider where you'll store them and only bring them to the tiny space when in use. 

As such, use the center of your gym for setting up occasional equipment and workouts with plenty of floor work, such as yoga.

Let's start on those design hacks now.

1. Go for a Minimalist Theme

Since it's a small space, use the less-is-more strategy. Minimize clutter and the decor or other items on the walls and windows. It makes it easy to organize your equipment and have walking space. Sometimes, a simple layout with a treadmill, a bench, and a yoga mat is enough for a minimalist theme.

2. Consider Lighting it Up

Let natural light fill your tiny gym. Further, a window will give you a great outdoor view as you burn calories on the treadmill.

3. Choose a Color that Works for Tiny Spaces

Blues, greens, and browns make the walls recede, which gives an illusion of roominess. If you want the space to feel warm yet create an illusion of the walls advancing, paint it colors like yellow, red, and brown. Also, a tiny space may appear bigger when you paint the same color on the wall and ceiling such that the eye can travel around the room.

Another option is using color to split the walls and create an illusion that they're moving apart by painting opposite walls in different colors. If your tiny gym is narrow, give the eye a destination by painting the farthest wall a different color so your gym won't feel like a tunnel.

4. Install Reflective Mirrors

It's the one thing that can double the size of your workout space in seconds. Buying decor mirrors can be confusing when you don't know how high to mount them or the best designs. Some suggestions are choosing large mirrors with small frames. Hence, ornate designs aren't your go-to designs. Next, think about the mirror's height. 

The desirable mirror height is around the eye level, and this accessory works better when it's close to a light source to brighten up the space. Also, reflective objects like metallic or glass vases and furniture can brighten the gym.

5. Try More Non-Aerobic Workouts

Image by rob9040 from Pixabay

Alt tag: A stability ball and other small gym accessories

You can enjoy and benefit from your workouts even if you don't use large cardio equipment like a treadmill or a stairclimber. Therefore, simple exercises like stretching, yoga, or pilates are more suitable when there's limited space. To build muscle, you could use dumbbells.

Don't Forget Nutrition!

Now that you're ready to set up your gym, it's time to consider the diet suitable for you before and after your home workout. Do you have ideas already? We did some work for you and found quick pre & post-workout snacks packed with nutrients.

For example, hop into the kitchen after working out and make carbs and protein combos like chicken and rice or steak and potatoes. As the carbs aid muscle recovery, proteins repair them. It's also wise to eat at least an hour before exercising. 

Hence, you could eat something light, such as a granola bar or some dried fruit. Oh! Don't forget your protein supplement. What did your nutritionist recommend? There are varied suggestions on when you should take casein, whether before or after your workout. One study found that you can take it before or after, and the benefits include power, agility, strength, and decreased body fat.

Final Thoughts

As you rejig your small space to accommodate a few types of gym equipment, see if it's possible to reduce aerobic exercises so that you can bring in one large item, like a treadmill. 

Also, minimize clutter to have room to move about and avoid scratching the wall paint with your equipment. You also ought to improve the lighting if there's no window. But, if you have one, add some mirrors to reflect the natural light and make the space roomy.