The Millennial Nutritionist

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Plant-Based Diets - Do They Help In Weight Loss?

Plant-Based Diets - Do They Help In Weight Loss?

Written by: Sarah Hester, MS, RD

What does plant-based mean?

There isn’t a true definition for the term “plant-based.” Certain foods can be termed “plant-based” like proteins or milks that are derived from plants, but also diets or the way someone eats can be described as “plant-based.” 

What are plant-based diets? 

Plant-based diets can be those that are focused on eating a majority of foods that come from plants like fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and grains but don’t exclude foods that come from animals like meat, dairy or eggs. Since there is no true definition, those diets could also be described as “plant-forward,” or diets that are intentional about eating more foods that come from plants.

Are plant-based diets healthy? 

Yes! Any diet that prioritizes eating plants (fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and grains) is going to be one that is healthy. Eating plant foods like fruits and vegetables provide fiber, hydration and essential vitamins and minerals. Incorporating more plants, or produce, in your diet is actually one of the pillars of The Millennial Nutritionist program! Eating plant-based or plant-forward diets can be very healthy. If you are interested in eating a plant-based diet with a goal of losing weight, working with a Registered Dietitian on our team can help.

Will eating a plant-based diet help me lose weight?

Yes (as long you’re in that calorie deficit)! Eating whole (the form they were grown in) plant foods like fruits and veggies will help you feel full, keep your digestive system regular and will be naturally lower in calories. Working with our team of Registered Dietitians can help you incorporate more produce into your lifestyle and help you achieve your weight loss goals. Sign up for a discovery call today to speak to one of our coaches about our program!

What are the cons of eating a plant-based diet? 

Since “plant-based” is a huge trend right now, you can find most any type of food on the market labeled as such. Even foods that may not be as nutrient dense or healthful. A bag of potato chips is technically plant-based, if you think about it! These types of food absolutely can fit into our lifestyle but working with our team of coaches will help you to decide where and when those foods fit. It’s important to know that all foods provide different amount of nutrition or profiles or nutrients (macronutrients, micronutrients, fiber, water, etc.) so eating a varied amount of all foods helps you cover your bases for good nutrition. After finishing our program, our clients feel more confident in making food decisions that promote their weight-loss and overall health! 

Can your coaches help guide me in eating a plant-based diet while losing weight?

We offer two programs at The Millennial Nutritionist, both focused around weight loss and healthy living. We offer a 1:1 weight loss program where a coach will work with you for three months on specific weight loss goals. You’ll leave this program feeling confident in making food choices and living a healthier lifestyle. Secondly, we offer a platform focused on healthy eating, tips and tricks, motivation and inspiration when it comes to healthy eating called The Millennial Living Membership. Our coaches are specifically available to you in our weight loss program but you can also find them contributing content that incorporates plant-based eating habits to the membership platform as well. Book a discovery call today and see which service would benefit you best!