The Millennial Nutritionist

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Inflammation & Stress Management | Food Sensitivities & What to Eat + Reacting to Gwyneth Paltrow’s Anti-Inflammation Diet

Inflammation is quite the hot topic, and with so many fad diets and celebrities talking about targeting and reducing inflammation, it’s easy to be bombarded with misinformation. One fact about inflammation is that it can be flared up by stress, so in this episode, I’m joined by my friend and fellow dietitian Kyrstin Draney, RD, LDN to talk about what inflammation is and how we can combat it by reducing stress. Plus, we dig into Gwyneth Paltrow’s recent comments about her super restrictive anti-inflammation diet.

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Some key takeaways from this episode include:

  • Stress can cause inflammation in the body, and inflammation puts stress on the body, so you end up in a vicious cycle. You can treat inflammation, but if you don’t control your overall stress levels, you might struggle to reduce inflammation.

  • From a nutritional perspective, colorful produce, protein, and omega-3 fats are your best friends when it comes to combating inflammation from stress. These foods have the nutrients to support your body healing and repairing to recover from inflammation.

  • When you identify when you’re feeling stressed, try an alternative method for management. Try breathwork to boost oxygen levels and lower your cortisol, watch something funny and laugh, or outsource some of your household work.


Hi! I’m Illa (MS, RDN) and I am a Registered Dietitian who provides weight loss coaching for millennials. There are so many health companies and fad diets out there that want to convince you to buy their products, but I’m here to show you that you don’t need any products to lose weight! It just takes a little behavior change and food tracking.

The Millennial Nutritionist is a private practice dedicated to helping people lose weight and build better health habits to support their busy lifestyles. We offer a 3-month Lifestyle Reset Program and a monthly Millennial Living Membership to support you with your goals! Learn more about our programs at  

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