Health Benefits of Adding Blue Spirulina to your Daily Smoothies 

Written by Jordyn King, MS Nutrition 

What is Blue Spirulina? 

Blue Spirulina has been known as one of the world's most popular and trendy supplement. It’s loaded with various nutrition and antioxidants that can help your body and boost your immune system. Blue Spirulina is an algae organism that grows in both fresh and saltwater. It is a type of blue green algae (cyanobacteria) that can produce high energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. This tiny piece of algae is packed with a nutrition profile of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese. Additionally, it contains tons of amino acids for you in a daily dose; practically like a multivitamin. 

Benefits to Blue Spirulina 

There are numerous benefits to Blue Spirulina. It contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can protect against oxidative damage in DNA and regular cells. This is due to the main active ingredient called Phycocyanin, which gives it that blue green color. Phycocyanin has the ability to fight against free radicals. Blue Spirulina can also help lower and protect against LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and triglyceride levels. This supplement could improve symptoms of allergic retinitis aka “stuffed nose”. 

Why to put in your smoothie ? 

Blue Spirulina is a great additive to put in your everyday smoothies. As a powder form you can easily add this to your daily smoothies, on top of salads, mixed into energy balls or stirred in a fruit or vegetable juice. Spirulina does not contain too much flavor and makes the color of the smoothie very colorful and fun. Research suggests Spirulina is great for endurance runners or athletes, since it may improve muscle strength and endurance. Spirulina has also been said to increase fat oxidation during exercise. Additionally, let’s not forget about the high protein and vitamin content which makes it an excellent dietary supplement for a vegetarian or vegan diet. Spirulina could help promote weight loss due to it’s low calorie content. I use Spirulina every day in my smoothies to improve my gut health and metabolism, staying focused and full all day! My favorite nourishing weight loss daily smoothie I have tried was adding 1 banana, 1 Tbs. of Blue Spirulina,1 cup of almond milk, ½ cup of ice, 1 cup of spinach, ½ cup of mixed frozen berries and ½ an apple.