The Millennial Nutritionist

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How did Rebel Wilson Lose Weight | What is the Mayr Method

Written by Jordyn King, BS

What is it?

Have you ever heard of the Myer method? Well, we have known Rebel Wilson from her hilarious movies, such as Bridesmaids, which is my all time favorite, and recently from  her incredible new weight loss transformation of losing around 60 pounds. In the process, she went down to 165, however she never focused solely on the numbers. From her start of losing weight; she decided to shed those extra pounds. She explains that 2020 was known as “The year of Health”. However, how did she do it? She first starting losing weight through counting calories which kept her in a strict daily routine. She would stick to a daily low carb diet which mainly consisted of fruits and vegetables, high fiber, healthful snacks, and increased her physical fitness everyday. She would go on longer walks, eat more protein and just be more mindful with her eating habits. Her significant weight loss breakthrough was the keto diet and keto pills. The famous keto diet is defined by cutting out all sugar (carbs) and eating clean. The supplement that Rebel Wilson utilized was “Ultra Fit Keto” which is the dietary enhancement to boost digestion and dispose of fat quickly. Wilson now says that her hope for the rest of 2021 is to maintain her new helpful lifestyle changes and retain the lesson she learned about being positive about her body.

What is the Mayr Method?

Rebel Wilson has also reportedly used the Mayr Method which is a diet-based program that was created from an Australian doctor, Doctor Myer. This program encourages elimination of gluten and dairy while practicing mindful eating. Mindful eating is a technique that I would recommend to any client which helps you gain control over your own eating habits. The Mayr Method has been recently trending to achieve weight loss while improving gut health.  Dr. Myer states, “The gut is the center of the immune system and essentially the root system of our bodies and through correct nutrition and digestion, it is the basis of our physical and mental health”. The Mayr method combines complementary medicine with traditional diet plains and therapies to calm down the body system through a detoxification process. 

How does it work? 

Some Mayr Method diet tips include eliminating foods at night after 4 PM, breakfast being a part of the schedule, stopping snacking throughout the  day, refraining from using phone or electronics while eating, and chewing food at least 40 times. Cutting out caffeine and sugar products and increasing daily workout routines and also recommended. The five basic principles of their program is cleansing, consciousness, abstinence, training, substitution and rest. The Mayr Method’s purpose is mindful eating practices which include relaxation, slow eating and being aware when you’re full. However the cons of the method is eliminating caffeine out of your diet including tea or coffee. 

Mayr Method Diet food list:

  • Proteins: Smoked salmon, beef filets, organic silken tofu, smoked trout, lamb loin, char caviar.

  • Fruits: Citrus fruit, bananas, papaya, mangoes, avocados, olives, apricots, prunes, apples, berries, pomegranates, oranges.

  • Vegetables: Vine tomatoes, lettuce, sprouts, broccoli, turnips, onions, radishes, celery, carrots, fennel, potatoes, spinach.

  • Nuts and seeds: Amaranth seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, walnuts.

  • Grains: Buckwheat flour, ground oats, millet, corn flakes, polenta, risotto rice.

  • Dairy: Goat cheese, butter, sour cream, rice milk, oat milk, organic eggs.

  • Condiments and seasonings: Extra virgin olive oil, stevia, vegetable stock, cold-pressed oils, balsamic vinegar, honey, maple syrup, cream of tartar, soya sauce.

  • Drinks: Water, green tea, and pomegranate juice.

Is it safe? Does it work long term? 

From a nutritional profession’s perspective, I would recommend mindful and intuitive eating practices if you're trying to lose weight long term. However, I would not recommend the keto supplement Ms. Wilson used because I did not see any sufficient or safe proven research to support this product long term. Additionally, I would not recommend keto dieting because that is defined as a strict diet which could potentially lead to only  short term weight loss. On the keto diet you achieve a calorie deficit which will lead to weight loss, but are at high risk to gain the weight back due the severe restrictions. Additionally, eliminating dairy and gluten is not necessary to lose weight (some exceptions such as hypothyroid and PCOS). However, changing up your eating habits to healthful foods through mindful and intuitive eating is the best route to go with; and what I have always recommended through long term weight loss. Being conscious of what you're consuming is ideal for long term weight loss. Consulting with your doctor or a nutritionist first is key to making simple lifestyle changes and realizing not every diet or weight loss plan is suitable for everyone.