Supplement Review: Fish Oil

Written by Jordyn King, MS, BS

 Did you know that over half of all Americans are taking some kind of daily dietary supplement? 

However with the effectiveness of supplements, many of today’s supplements can promise customer a reliable and “incredible” results with little to no effort. Vitamin and mineral supplements are not regulated by the FDA which can become a concern to clinical research and to long-term health outcomes. This week’s Supplement Review is Fish Oil.

 What is Fish Oil Supplementation

Fish Oil is a supplement that can be added to your daily diet pure of fish oil which can help to support healthy cholesterol levels, boost mood swings and help maintain strong bones. Interestingly, fish oil has been said to also help support weight management long-term. Fish oil is a fatty acid that is dried from tissues of oily fish including salmon, mackerel, trout shellfish, and etc., which contains omega-3 fatty acids including EPA’s and DHA‘s. Fish oil is an essential source of omega-3 fatty acids Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Fish oil can also be used for improving inflammatory issues, autoimmune disorders and may help prevent a second heart attack if taken within hours of the first and taken for a year. Fish oil has also been shown that it may help lower blood pressure. patients with hypertension, arthritis and headaches in some migraine sufferers. Some other research has suggested that the use of fish oil can benefit in health disease high blood pressure, high triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

Essential Contribution of Omega 3’s Fatty Acids in the Body

Omega 3’s are integral part of the cell’s membrane and affect the function of the cell receptors in their membranes throughout the body. Omega-3 fatty acids are important to the body due to being a type of fat that cannot be made from the body itself. It is found in food sources like fish oil. Omega-3 fats are a key family of polyunsaturated fats. There are three main omega-3s are Eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which come mainly from fish, so they are sometimes called marine omega-3s. Also, Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the most common omega-3 fatty acid is found in vegetable oils, seeds and nuts (especially walnuts), leafy vegetables, and some animal fat, especially in grass-fed animals. The human body generally uses ALA for energy, and conversion into EPA and DHA is very limited. Interestingly, Omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to improve the proper development of eyes, brains, and reproductive cells in the body. Also, they can be vital to heart, lungs, immunity and endocrine system.


The downside to taking fish oil supplement is that it can cause mild side effects including fishy aftertaste, bad breath, heartburn, and may cause rash. Other side effects can include gastrointestinal issues. Additionally, taking high dose of the fish oil supplements could cause the risk of bleeding and possible increases of the risk of stroke since it is an anticoagulant.  

What to check before purchasing Fish Oil

Make sure to always investigate the top selling fish oil supplements on the market today. Many cheap fish oil supplements can have high mercury levels which may be treated with harsh hormones and tested with harmful contaminants which could be cancer-causing. Always check to see if they have a money back guarantee when investigating these supplements to show that the company is confident in their product to offer customers a peace of mind. The most common top selling fish oil supplements are sourced from high-quality wild caught fish that have not been treated with hormones or any kind of harmful contaminants. Like any other new trendy supplement that you are  taking, make sure you read the nutrition fact label and look at the possible interactions from the other medications you are using such as anticoagulants, herbs and other supplements such as blood pressure medication or contraceptive drugs like birth control.

In Conclusion….

Interestingly, fish oil can reduce Vitamin E levels in the body. As a nutritional professional I will always recommend taking a multivitamin over any other supplement which has all the essential vitamins and nutrients for your daily dose which include no overdosing or under-dosing. If you are thinking about taking fish oil daily, be mindful about taking the recommended dose of fish oil for the general safety of daily supplements. In conclusion, it is easy to get omega 3’s into your diet with foods such nuts, seeds and vegetable oil‘s which contain another omega-3 called Alpha Linoleic Acid. Providing Omega 3’s into your diet is simple which include other foods like salmon, anchovies, halibut, plant oils, walnuts, and oysters. If you are someone who has high triglyceride levels, you may need to increase your omega 3 sources. According to some studies, adding whole fish to your diet can provide an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids can lower risk of long term illnesses compared to the other individuals who don’t consume fish. Thus, getting omega 3’s from your diet such as consuming 2 serving of fish a week instead of supplementation may be more beneficial.

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