5 Recipes to Promote Natural Detox and Weight Loss

Every new year, there seems to be this big push to detox after the holidays. Which is great that there is an emphasis on eating healthy! But sad that this is often advertised that it needs to be achieved through juices or extreme forms of fasting. Your body is so smart that it already detoxes every day for you! No matter what you consume. However, you can make it a little easier on your body by adding in more fiber to your diet. This helps your digestion in so many ways! How do you intake more fiber? Produce and whole grains! So I have added my favorite recipes to help your body perform its natural detox function for ya!


Chicken lettuce wraps are a great go-to for meal prep for the week because you can easily re-heat the filling. Adding the lettuce cup makes eating vegetables a little bit more fun and festive!



This is my easy, no-fuss recipe for a green smoothie! The important bit of info to note about smoothies is that they are very versatile for the amount of calories you can add to them, to produce content, to overall calorie amount. This specific recipe is low calorie-high protein so I’d recommend using it as a snack or adding something to it for breakfast. But again, a great way to easily get in some dark leafy greens (which are super high in fiber) and stay hydrated!



Broth-based soups are a great way to get in some more hydration when it’s cold out because they’re lower in calories than cream-based soups. Minestrone in particular is fiber-packed because of the beans and vegetables. You could even opt for whole grain noodles for an added fiber punch.


Chia Pudding


This recipe contains 10g fiber! That’s almost half of what you need for the whole day!! This is my personal go-to when my fiber is very low because it’s super easy to keep the ingredients on hand. This could work as a breakfast, snack, or dessert!



Roasted broccoli is a super easy add on to a dinner that is lacking in the veg. You can easily throw it in the oven while you’re cooking your meal and then eat it with your dinner when you’re done! Lots of our clients actually like using it as a snack too!