How Undereating Can Sabotage Weight Loss | Client Interview with Cynthia Thomas

Did you know undereating can be just as harmful, if not more, as overeating? It’s true. When you undereat, your body goes into starvation mode and decreases your metabolism to try to protect you. It can also cause inflammation from being stressed out and cause extreme fatigue. There is a lot of science behind weight loss and everyone’s situation is unique. That is why it is so important to work with registered dietitians who take your unique situation into account and create a plan that will work for your body.  Tune in today as Illa meets with former Millennial Nutritionist client, Cynthia to discuss what tools she used to achieve her weight loss goals. In addition, they talk about weight loss for smaller females and how to add more nutrition to traditional South Asian foods. Cynthia Thomas is a mental health therapist for kids, a history buff, a huge fan of BTS, and currently lives in New Jersey. 

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3 key takeaways from Cynthia’s experience include:  

  • Undereating during the day often leads to overeating at night. Afterwards, you feel terrible and repeat this harmful cycle over and over again. It's important to eat enough during the day and the right combination of foods in order to curb cravings at night. 

  • Eating more is sometimes what you need. You didn’t expect to hear that, right? Cynthia found that she was undereating and often eating the wrong foods for her body. Once she understood what foods would help fuel her body best, she had to actually eat more in order to lose weight. 

  • Calorie tracking is not as painful as it sounds. Cynthia even found it to be liberating.  By calorie tracking, she could still eat some of her favorite foods (funfetti cupcakes, anyone?) and continue to meet her overall nutrition and weight loss goals. 

Hi! I’m Illa (MS, RDN) and I am a Registered Dietitian who provides weight loss coaching for millennials. There are so many health companies and fad diets out there that want to convince you to buy their products, but I’m here to show you that you don’t need any products to lose weight! It just takes a little behavior change and food tracking.

The Millennial Nutritionist is a private practice dedicated to helping people lose weight and build better health habits to support their busy lifestyles. We offer a 3-month Lifestyle Reset Program and a monthly Millennial Living Membership to support you with your goals! Learn more about our programs at  


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Vanessa Carrillo