5 Easy Snacking Dinners for Weight Loss

I don’t know about you, but I am beat by the time it’s time to make dinner! All I want to do is go on a short walk and get into my pj’s until it’s time for my skincare routine. What do I do about eating? Employ a snacking dinner! There are no rules when it comes to nutrition and how to get in those macros. Just because a meal only takes 10 minutes to assemble and clean up doesn’t mean it’s any less healthy! Check out these ingredients now for easy dinner ideas!

  1. Bento Box Dinner

This is one that my clients love! It still makes you feel like you’re having a full meal, but nothing to really cook! Get your protein from your deli meat, produce from berries and baby carrots, and carbs from crackers! A full meal without ever turning on the stove!

2. A Sandwich with a Side of Fruit

So many people forget that a sandwich is a great well-rounded meal! You have your whole grains (with some yummy seedy bread), veggies from the lettuce, tomato, and pickles, and protein! Add another fruit OTS and you’ve got yourself a myplate meal.

Eat This, Not That has some great sandwich recipes that are all under 500 calories!

3. Vegetable Crudités Plate

One of my personal fav’s! If I make myself a little mini plate of veg and dips, I just pretend that I’m somewhere in Europe in the park with a group of friends. You can play around with fun seasonal vegetables and different dips such as roasted red bell pepper hummus, pesto, or baba ganoush.

Check out this beautiful veggie board idea from Take Two Tapas. You could pick a couple of the veggies on there and prep them for yourself this week!

Illa Garcia