How to Lose Weight Postpartum | Healthy Tips for Losing the Baby Weight with a Registered Dietitian

There isn’t a lot that is easy after having a baby. Your body is going through a ridiculous amount of hormonal fluctuations, not to mention healing itself, all while learning to navigate parenthood on very little sleep. That’s why it is so important to nourish yourself and your child with nutritious food. TMN Coach Hannah Abdulla, BS, RD is joining us to share key tips on how to make nutrition a seamless part of your day postpartum. The habits you establish with your child early on will influence their nutritional preferences later.  Hannah is a registered dietitian and is currently working towards her MS in Nutrition Science. As a parent herself, Hannah knows firsthand how parenthood impacts your health and wellness journey.

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In this episode you’ll learn…

  • That everyone’s bodies handle pregnancy differently. Don’t get caught up in Instagram reels of women looking amazing postpartum. There is no one diet that will target a specific part of the body. Instead, eating a balanced, nutritious diet will help you reach a healthy weight, boost your immune system, and increase your energy.

  • How to incorporate your newborn baby into your everyday activities. If you’re headed to the store, put the baby in a baby carrier and bring them with you. If you’re slicing up an avocado for your lunch, give half to your baby (if they are ready for food). It isn’t necessary to create a separate life for your baby, integrate them in your current life.

  • When your kids are older, involve them in the cooking process. No need to make separate meals for each member of your family. When you eat a balanced nutritious diet, your kids will too. Remember just because your child doesn’t like a certain food upon first taste, doesn’t mean they will never like it. Introduce foods a number of times at various points in their life.

Hi! I’m Illa (MS, RDN) and I am a Registered Dietitian who provides weight loss coaching for millennials. There are so many health companies and fad diets out there that want to convince you to buy their products, but I’m here to show you that you don’t need any products to lose weight! It just takes a little behavior change and food tracking.

The Millennial Nutritionist is a private practice dedicated to helping people lose weight and build better health habits to support their busy lifestyles. We offer a 3-month Lifestyle Reset Program and a monthly Millennial Living Membership to support you with your goals! Learn more about our programs at

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Illa Garcia