A Dietitian Debunks the Myth: Is a2 Milk® Easier to Digest and Better Nutritionally?

a2 Milk®: What is it?

a2 Milk® is a milk product available from the a2 Milk Company®. Products under this brand can be found all over the world, including the US, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and China. The company is based in New Zealand but their website states that a2 Milk® products found in the US are not imported and they use milk from American farmers. The company was formed in 2000 when researchers found what they believed to be an easier to digest cow’s milk.

So, is that true? Is drinking a2 milk over normal cow’s milk beneficial?


What is A2 milk?

Most of the cow’s milk around the world contains proteins called “A1” and “A2” proteins. Most of the milk found in the US is a mix of both of these types of proteins. Some varieties of cows, like the adorable Jersey cow (seriously, Google a Jersey cow.. they are so cute!) naturally produce only the A2 protein due to their genetics. The company claims their milk only contains the A2 protein, so they are most likely using the milk that comes from this variety of cow. Even with the technical difference in the type of protein the milk contains, the amount of overall protein in a2 Milk® and regular cow’s milk is the same at 8 grams per cup.

Is it easier to digest?

The premise for the “easier to digest” claim stems from a few, small scientific trials that had their issues. There needs to be more research to back this claim up, for sure. Digestion issues around milk usually stem from milk’s presence of lactose, a carbohydrate found naturally in cow’s milk. It’s important to realize that a2 Milk® still contains lactose. If you are looking for a milk that does not contain lactose, you can find lactose-free cow’s milk. a2 Milk® also still contains the proteins that trigger a dairy allergy, so if you are allergic to cow’s milk, this would not be an option for you.

Is it better nutritionally?

Nope. Since a2 Milk® is just cow’s milk (with the technical protein difference) the nutritional composition is the same as regular ole’ cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains 13 essential nutrients and is a good source of protein. So whatever cow’s milk you choose you can be sure it is nourishing and delicious!

Vanessa Carrillo