Stop Wasting The Groceries You Just Bought | Making the Most Out of Your Grocery Purchases

Last week we talked about how to save money while you’re grocery shopping, and this week is all about what to do once you bring those groceries home. TMN Contributor Sarah Hester, MS, RD is back to share her best tips for freezing groceries and meals, what to keep on hand to make delicious meals with what you’ve bought, and more ways to avoid wasting food and your hard-earned money by making the most of your grocery purchases.

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Some key takeaways from this episode include:

  • Grocery prices have increased 10% since December 2022, which was only three months ago from when this episode was released! If your grocery bill has been going up, you are not alone.

  • Different produce have different requirements to keep them fresh. Berries will last longer if you remove any moldy or mushy pieces from the container, and you can wrap the tops of a bunch of bananas to keep them fresh. We cover more produce preservation hacks in the episode!

  • Before you freeze meals or produce, it’s so important to let them cool to room temperature first, and to get them as dry as possible before moving them to the freezer. That’s the best way to avoid freezer burn and a mushy end product when you thaw it out.


Hi! I’m Illa (MS, RDN) and I am a Registered Dietitian who provides weight loss coaching for millennials. There are so many health companies and fad diets out there that want to convince you to buy their products, but I’m here to show you that you don’t need any products to lose weight! It just takes a little behavior change and food tracking.

The Millennial Nutritionist is a private practice dedicated to helping people lose weight and build better health habits to support their busy lifestyles. We offer a 3-month Lifestyle Reset Program and a monthly Millennial Living Membership to support you with your goals! Learn more about our programs at  


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Vanessa Carrillo