Is Eating Beef Sustainable for Our Planet? The Footprint of Beef Production & Consumption with Dr. Tryon Wickersham  

Class is in session! Our guest this week is Dr. Tryon Wickersham, an associate professor of animal nutrition at Texas A&M University. In this episode, Dr. Wickersham is sharing his expertise to help us understand whether raising and consuming beef is a sustainable practice. Whether you’re an avid meat eater or you’re more of a plant-based protein person, you will learn some really cool information from this conversation.

Thank you to Kevin’s Natural Foods for sponsoring this episode! Go to and use the code “TMN” at checkout for 10% off your first purchase!

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Just a few of the key takeaways from this episode include:

  • One component of the sustainability of beef is that we can feed cattle some byproducts from the production of crops like corn and cotton that humans can’t eat. Otherwise, those byproducts would be burned (not great for the air) or go to waste (not good for the environment).

  • When it comes to buying organic, grass-fed beef, you’re going to get a much leaner protein than if you spring for prime cuts of beef, which are delicious because they have a much higher fat content.

  • Sustainability is a balancing act. Grass-fed beef is perceived as a healthier, more eco-friendly process of producing beef, but it actually requires more resources and produces more methane, making it less sustainable overall.


Hi! I’m Illa (MS, RDN) and I am a Registered Dietitian who provides weight loss coaching for millennials. There are so many health companies and fad diets out there that want to convince you to buy their products, but I’m here to show you that you don’t need any products to lose weight! It just takes a little behavior change and food tracking.

The Millennial Nutritionist is a private practice dedicated to helping people lose weight and build better health habits to support their busy lifestyles. We offer a 3-month Lifestyle Reset Program and a monthly Millennial Living Membership to support you with your goals! Learn more about our programs at  


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Vanessa Carrillo