5 Reasons To Exercise Beyond Weight Loss

Written by Sarah Hester MS, RD

Of course we recommend physical activity to our clients that are trying to lose weight. But losing weight isn’t the only benefit that can come from getting active. I challenge you to switch your mindset and feel empowered each time you move your body. Having the ability to move, even walk, is a gift. Let’s explore the many reasons to exercise beyond weight loss. 

Muscle Health

Yes, eating protein is essential to maintaining the health of your muscles but the #1 way to promote muscle health is by moving them. Any exercise that requires you to move is good, but movements that force your muscles to work (AKA strength training or weight-bearing exercises) is really where the magic happens. Strength training doesn’t have to look like lifting weights in the gym, it could simply be walking or hiking uphill, taking the stairs, or lifting your child. As we age, it is hard to build muscle. Not only is it harder, but losing muscle mass is a natural process. Having enough lean body mass when you are older helps ward off future injuries to keep you mobile and independent longer. Learn more about muscle health from our friend Tyler on our podcast!

Bone Health 

Muscles surround your bones, so it’s no wonder the two are linked so closely. Generally, women reach their “peak bone mass” around age 20, which is the point where their bones are the most dense or strong they will ever be. After that point, bones are breaking down more than they are building up, so things like exercise and a diet rich in bone-building nutrients like calcium and vitamin D help to reduce that natural loss and preserve bone mass. 

Improved Energy

It seems counterintuitive, like the more energy you use to move should make you feel more tired but the opposite is true! Exercise can improve energy levels by promoting oxygen flow in your body. Remember to fuel yourself for exercise, our bodies need food to move and our energy to be kept up also!

Healthy Sleep

Our bodies are designed to move and expend energy during the day. If you have trouble falling asleep or having good sleep, try and incorporate more movement into your days. There is some research showing that exercising just before bed may not promote good sleep, so aim for movement a few hours before your snooze. Get even cozier with this silk pillowcase.


Mental Health

Exercise releases endorphins, the same chemicals your brain makes when you are laughing at a funny movie or hugging a loved one. Pump up the happy vibes with movement!