Dietitian Review: Olipop Drinks

Written by Sarah Hester, MS, RD 

Olipop is a canned drink that boasts it is a healthier alternative to soda because it contains prebiotics and has a low amount of sugar. But, what is actually in it? What are prebiotics? Is Olipop a good choice?

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics

Hang with me here. The beneficial bacteria found naturally in your gut are called probiotics. They are living bacteria that survive off the food that you (and thus, they) eat. Probiotic bacteria love to eat fiber, especially tough ones that are hard to digest. Those hard-to-digest fibers can be called prebiotics. Prebiotics are found in certain high- fiber foods like barley, berries, bananas, apples, artichokes, onions and soybeans. They’re also found in other plant-based sources like the ones that are used in the Olipop mixture (kudzu root extract, chicory root inulin, and Jerusalem artichoke, cassava fiber, and other root or bark extracts). Each can of Olipop has around 9 grams of fiber (that’s the same amount of fiber as ~2 cups of cooked broccoli). 

Side note: Taking probiotic supplements or eating foods with probiotics like kefir, yogurt or kombucha aren’t harmful. These foods or supplements help to feed and reintroduce more probiotic bacteria to the already existing probiotics in your gut. I know, it's confusing. Read more on fermented foods here.

Low in Sugar, What’s The Catch?

Each can contains around 2-5 grams of sugar and drinkers claim it tastes as sweet as their usual can of pop. How? Stevia is used as the primary sweetener. Stevia is an extract from the stevia plant and it is much sweeter on your tongue than table sugar. Unlike table sugar, it does not provide hardly any calories. For reference, normal sodas often contain around 35-55 grams of sugar, about the same as a bowl of ice cream. 

A Friendly Heads Up

If I had to guess, I’d say you aren’t eating kudzu or chicory root fibers on the reg. Like any other time you introduce a new, high fiber food you aren’t used to… gas or bloating may arise. Hint hint. You’re welcome.

Recommended By A Dietitian?

Sure, all foods can fit into a healthy diet. If your craving for soda isn’t met by sparkling water or you just really like the taste of this drink, go for it. If you are looking to add more fiber to your diet, I’d recommend adding more fruits, veggies and whole grains rather than grabbing this drink. This could be a great addition to a meal that keeps you feeling full for long and can help keep your digestive system regular. Cocktail and mocktail recipes using Olipop do sound delicious! Check them out here.

Vanessa Carrillo