5 Tips for Weight Loss During a Beach Weekend

Written by Jordyn King, BS

Monday mornings can be rough when you know you’ve had a weekend of drinking. Getting up for work and having those two days off while remembering all the food you have devoured, how much alcohol you have consumed with a night out with your girlfriends, and how you will make up all the increased calories you have consumed with exercising on Monday. I feel guilty when I lose a pound in one week from working hard and eating right but then slack off on the weekend. Although one weekend won’t ruin your progress, eating healthier on the weekend can make you feel better which can make Monday so much easier! In a lot of cases it’s not expected to lose weight while you’re on vacation; however maintaining your weight loss during your trip can have its advantages. Here are some tips and tricks to maintaining a calorie deficit on those weekend getaways: 

Research the local restaurants:  

There are many challenges with restaurants and maintaining a calorie deficit when you're on a weekend getaway. Many restaurants serve high calorie meals through doubling and tripling their portion sizes . Deciding ahead of time which restaurant to go to and researching the low calorie meals is key to finding healthier foods that are locally available. Try to identify the healthier restaurants and try different healthy fresh foods on the menu that include some of the destination's delicacies while looking at a healthy perspective. This could include something like grilled mahi with seasonal vegetables and rice. Choose meals with lean chicken or fish dishes that include  veggies or healthy salads or even stir-fry’s. Look for the words grilled, boiled and seared which include more of low calories meals, instead of fried foods. Study the available food options and look at the calorie content or nutrition information if it is provided on the menu or you can ask your nearby server. Additionally, increased portion size is the norm at restaurants in vacation destinations. However, to avoid overeating, section your plate into half or even thirds before you start eating so you know when to stop and when you feel full. 

Staying fit: 

Check to see if your destination has close restaurants or shops that are walking distance around the town. Taking a walk through different sceneries could be the best way to explore a new place such as walking on the beach or hiking up a mountain near your destination and getting some daily calories burned. Additionally, try and find a hotel that has a gym available for morning or night workouts. Include your significant others while on your workout and make it a fun interactive activity for the day. Find stuff to do that increases your physical activity such as walking on the beach or building a sandcastle. I always do my aerobic exercises in the morning compared to later in the day so I can get it over with and enjoy the rest of my day guilt free.

 Buying food for your hotel: 

It is easy while you’re on your vacations to only eat at only restaurants while you’re staying at hotels. However, to help promote your weight loss journey you can fill your fridge in your hotel with healthy breakfast foods and snacks instead of relying on deep-fried restaurant food. You can even ask for a mini fridge and many hotels will accommodate or supply one for your snacks, fruits, vegetables and breakfast even if there’s no kitchen included. You can also shop at the local markets upon your destinations for fresh produce and healthy grocery items, while staying on a budget. Grocery shopping in your destination can increase your cultural awareness to seek out some new different cultural cuisines as much as a local restaurant.I have always brought small snacks when I travel such as fruits or vegetables and protein packets like cheese and salami roll ups. Even if you’re traveling with friends or a large group, offer to grocery shop and cook meals at home to impress them with a delicious healthy meal that can keep you on your weight loss plan while also on a budget. 

Focus on health on your trip: 

You don’t have to obsess about losing weight; however, you can keep in mind what foods you are consuming, how much physical activity you were doing daily, or how many cocktails you have consumed. When it’s possible, reach for the same good nutritious foods that have helped you lose weight through your journey at home and incorporate them in your vacations as well. So instead of snacking on chips or brownies, go pick up a veggie tray or some grapes from the grocery store to get in that extra serving of produce!

 Don’t forget at home: 

Plan to bring all weather workout gear including lightweight jackets that fold up in any hotel. Also include extra work out outfits just in case. Bring comfortable exercise shoes to wear throughout your travel days and to stay active on your weight-loss journey. Wherever you go and travel, don't leave without a reusable bottled water. It is always important to drink large amounts of water each day and stay hydrated especially if you’re flying on a plane. Being at high altitudes in the sky can dehydrate your body. Additionally, carrying around a water bottle will increase your water intake and keep you hydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated is super important to maintaining your weight loss plan no matter the day of the week. Drinking more water will help you to avoid the high calorie drinks and will overall reduce your calorie intake for the day. 

Getting enough sleep: 

Stick to your daily regular sleep routine when you’re on vacation. This can be challenging if you’re in a large group or when you want to see the nightlife of your vacation and you stay up way past your regular bedtime. However, this can shake up your sleep schedule and decrease fat-burning through increased cortisol levels. Staying up late can activate hunger hormones which may lead to confusion, feeling more tiredness the next day, or more increased caloric intake. Sleeping in on the weekends can also limit your ability to see all things at your vacation destinations! Be active and alert on your vacations. You can even provide an itinerary or schedule to help keep you organized and stay on track with your sleep schedule. 


If you are interested in a long-term weight loss solution, check out The Millennial Nutritionist’s 3 month weight loss program. Through calorie tracking and sustainability lifestyle changes, many clients have successful weight loss during the program and after. Get started today!

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