Phentermine Weight Loss Supplement Review

Written by Jordyn King BS, MS

What is Phentermine and How Does it Work? 

The supplement phentermine is a prescription appetite suppressant drug that binds to receptors on the hypothalamus in the brain to then stimulate the central nervous system. This drug then increases the heart rate and blood pressure which then decreases your appetite senses. Several clinical trials have indicated that phentermine does with help with fat loss when compared to dieting alone. The Phentermine drug may decrease around 5% of the initial bodyweight yet, over the course of 12 weeks it may be as high as 10% of the individuals initial body weight. This drug is still prescribed from a doctor or specialist to obese individuals who are over a BMI of 30kg/m2 after other weight loss attempts have failed. Phentermine is used together with diet and exercise for the treatment of obesity and for people with risk factors of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or heart issues. Phentermine is a scheduled IV drug and can be combined with topiramate to allow for lower doses to be obtained its desired effect from Phentermine. Phentermine is also only indicated for individuals who have failed to lose weight with exercie and diet alone and not indicated for individuals who just want to shed a few pounds. 

Looking into the Research and Customer Reviews 

Phentermine is known for its appetite suppressors and keeps you fuller for longer periods of times throughout the day. From some of the research I found, many of the users of this drug include that the weight loss works long-term of 12 weeks combined with major life changes. However, some customers have said that the side effects occur long term as well. Some customers have indicated they have become addicted to this medication since it’s a stimulant that increases your dopamine and norepinenphrine levels, which could potentially make you severely depressed once the drug is out of the system. From some reports, phentermine has also indicated it may increase resting energy expenditure (REE) which help increase metabolism.  No known follow up customer review was reveled after the drug was stopped being taken.


The dosage amount is normally taken before breakfast or one or two hours after breakfast. However, make sure to follow your doctors instructions very carefully of how to take the drug. The oral dosage for adults with obesity is 8 mg orally three times a day and 30 minutes between meals. However, the dosage differs depending on whether it’s used alone or alongside with topiramate. 

Warning Signs and Side Effects  

There are a lot of warning signs and interactions with this medication if you are using them. Do not use Phentermine if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding. Do not use Phentermine if you have glaucoma, overactive thyroid problems, severe heart problems, uncontrolled high blood pressure, advanced heart disease, extreme agitation, or a history of drug abuse. Some side effects with using Phentermine include agitation, difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face in the lips, eyes and throat. Additionally, other side effects can include a feeling shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling in the ankles or feet or pounding heart beats, dry mouth or diarrhea. Additionally, do not take Phentermine with any other diet medication or supplement without the doctors approval or advice. Medication interactions with Phentermine can include prescription over-the-counter medication, vitamins, and herbal products as well. As a nutritional professional, the best advice I can give you is talk to your doctor or specialist if you are experiencing obesity and want to receive this kind of supplemental treatment. 

Other helpful tips to increase metabolism and weight loss

While using Phentermine there can be other helpful ways to promote weight loss which cultivate healthy lifestyle behaviors and healthy eating habits long term. Promoting healthy lifestyle changes with food include a reduced calorie diet of 500 calories per meal, prioritizing nutrient dense foods like high protein foods, fruits and vegetables, increasing your physical activity in providing behavioral strategies such as monitoring food intake, physical activity, and your weight. Plus, making adjustments throughout your time of weight loss. 

In Conclusion... 

As a nutritional professional, if the individual is not obese or overly obese this drug is not necessary for individuals to consume. Again, if you want to lose a couple of pounds, this product is not for you! I believe making positive lifestyle and behavior modifications throughout the cornerstones of your life will help in weight loss and maintenance in eating better. We are what we consume. We as individuals are the gatekeepers to our own success. Additionally, creating a healthy relationship with food can help your weight loss tremendously. Again, discussing with your doctor about the drug Phentermine is always indicated; however, long term weight loss is never based on a specific drug and this drug cannot be taken everyday. This drug is indicated to help obese individuals lose the unwanted weight and then for the individual to stop taking the drug when they are satisfied. Thus, this drug sheds the weight off slowly but it is not proven to keep the weight off long term after you have dismissed the drug. For an individual who would like to lose weight and keep the weight off long term it is up to them to promote a change in a healthy lifestyle eating habits throughout their time of weight loss .

If you are interested in a long-term weight loss solution, check out The Millennial Nutritionist’s 3 month weight loss program. Through calorie tracking and sustainability lifestyle changes, many clients have successful weight loss during the program and after. Get started today!