Low Calorie Food at Taco Bell | Healthy Food Swaps
Wrriten By Vanessa Carrillo, BS
Yes, You Can Enjoy Taco Bell While Losing Weight. Who says you have to give up Taco Bell to lose weight? With these smart swaps, you can indulge in your favorite fast-food chain without compromising your weight loss goals. Let's break down some of the options to understand why they are healthy and how they can help you achieve your goals.
Low Calorie: Power bowl, extra chicken
$7.79 500 calories, 35 g of protein
via Taco Bell
The power bowl is an excellent option for those who want to follow the MyPlate method. It is a well-balanced meal with complex carbs from the beans, protein from the chicken, rice, and beans, healthy fats from the guac, and veggies from the tomatoes and lettuce. The low-fat sour cream and portion-controlled cheese add flavor without packing too many calories. Add extra chicken, lettuce, and tomato to meet your protein and veggie requirements for the day. For only 500 calories, this power bowl is a steal!
Tip: Add extra chicken for a protein boost and extra lettuce & tomato to help reach your veggies servings for the day.
High Calorie: Quesarito
$4.19 650 calories, 21 g of protein
Although delicious, the Quesarito is not the smartest option due to its high calorie count and lack of veggies and healthy fats. It is also a small portion that may not keep you full for long. This can lead to overeating and easily surpassing 1,000 calories in one meal. If you are trying to lose weight, you might want to avoid the Quesarito.
(Low Calorie) Crunchy Taco VS (High Calorie) Cheesy Gordita Crunch
Swap the Cheesy Gordita Crunch for the classic Crunchy Taco to save calories while enjoying a similar flavor. Removing the flour tortilla and queso from the equation results in a more balanced option that will help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Order an extra taco or two if you need more food. For only $1.69, the Crunchy Taco is an excellent option with only 170 calories and 8g of protein. The Cheesy Gordita Crunch is $4.19 and has 500 calories and 20 g of protein.
(High Calorie) Nacho Bell Grande VS (Low Calorie) 3 Crunchy Tacos and side of black beans
Swapping one order of Nacho Bell Grande ($4.69, 730 calories, and 17 g of protein) for three Crunchy Tacos and a side of black beans is an excellent way to increase your protein and veggie intake while reducing your calorie intake. You'll still get the savory beef, cheesy goodness, and crunchy tortilla from the tacos, but now you'll add an extra boost of protein and veggies from the black beans. This combo comes in at 550 calories and 26g of protein for $6.86, making it the perfect recipe for weight loss.
In conclusion, Taco Bell can be part of your weight loss journey with these smart swaps that will help you stay on track without sacrificing flavor. Remember to focus on balanced meals, adequate protein, and plenty of veggies for long-term success.
About the Author
Vanessa Carrillo BS Nutritional Science
Contributing Editor
Vanessa is a Chicago-based community nutritionist. She has a BS in Nutritional Science from Iowa State University.
She enjoys writing about Latino food, trendy health products, and pop culture. She writes, edits, and creates content for The Millennial Nutritionist. If she’s not working, you can find her running with her Husky along Chicago’s lakefront path. Catch more of her on The Millennial Nutritionist Podcast.