Optavia Diet: Dietitian Review

Written by: Sarah Hester, MS, RD

You may have heard about the Optavia diet program and the amazing results customers claim to see, let’s dive into a dietitian’s review of the program

What is Optavia? 

Basically, it is a weight loss program based around being in a calorie deficit or reducing the amount of total calories you eat each day. The program requires the customer to purchase food products made by the brand and eat a certain variety of those products throughout the day. These products often replace meals entirely or complement a meal of food you prepare on your own. 

Here are a few red flags:

  • Relying heavily on pre-made food products. Having to rely on Optavia’s food products or “Fuelings” can get expensive (a box of 7 Strawberry Yogurt bars will run you $20.75!) and just isn’t realistic when learning to lose and sustain weight loss. At The Millennial Nutritionist, you are teamed up with a Registered Dietitian who can help you navigate weight loss realistically whether you are cooking, going out to eat or traveling. Book a discovery call with us now to see how we can help!

  • Dangerously low in calories with no personal guidance. Optavia meal patterns can provide anywhere from 800-1,500 calories a day. At TMN, your coach is able to calculate your personal calorie needs adjusted for your weight loss goals in a realistic manner so you do not overly restrict your calories! Ironically enough, eating too few calories can be damaging to your metabolism and can have the opposite effect of weight loss. It’s important to work with a dietitian to figure out what is best for you! 

  • No focus on physical activity. This program hints at “healthy habits” on their website, but doesn’t focus on the importance of physical activity and its role in weight loss. Our coaches approach weight loss holistically, from the physical movement of your body to the amount of sleep you get each night. One key to sustained weight loss is getting enough physical activity that has the ability to maintain or even raise your metabolism. 

  • It’s confusing. Weight loss and enjoying eating shouldn’t be confusing! Optavia has 3 meal patterns or plans to choose from (“5 & 1 Program, 4, 2 & 1 Program, and 3 & 3 Program). You can guess by their name, but they are a mixture of how many “Fuelings” (or Optavia branded food products) and real food meals you are allowed to have on each meal pattern. Need I say more? See red flag #1. 

So, does Optavia have the dietitian’s seal of approval? 

In short, no. If your goal is to lose and keep weight off, you are best served with a personalized program that works with your established lifestyle and one that teaches you how to sustain healthy habits for life.

Here are a few reminders from a Registered Dietitian! 

  1. You can lose weight without severely restricting calories. In fact, not eating enough calories can make losing weight harder! TMN coaches help you through creating a plan for eating that fits your lifestyle and meets your unique needs.

  2. Physical activity is key to weight loss. Movement can actually lead to a healthy increase in metabolism, so you are able to enjoy larger amounts of food and not feel deprived by not eating enough! 

  3. You shouldn’t have to rely on a food product to lose weight. The best kept secret for weight loss is not found in a meal replacement, smoothie or pill - incorporating a diet rich in produce, protein and physical activity are all pillars of The Millennial Nutritionist program. Get to meet our coaches and book discovery call with us today!

Sarah Hester